Similar to the company values, the Design Team Values are about promoting positive behaviour among individuals and our team as a collective. Team values are about what we want to be rather than what we want our design to be.

<aside> ➡️ To discover how we arrived at our values, check out this awesome Miro board


<aside> 📌 This is ever evolving so if you wish to add or question on of the values and/or behaviours listed, please leave a comment and mention anyone from the design team!


We Discover

Every activity starts with discovery. Understanding the problem is just as important as solving it. We ask the questions, we pick holes, we cut through organisational barriers.

What it is What it isn’t
We go back to the 'why' We avoid experimenting on an idea because ‘someone has done this in the past and failed’
We practice curiosity by asking asking questions and trying to understand the problems we face from every angle We avoid experimenting on an idea because ‘we don’t have sufficient resources’
We use tools and methods for brainstorming and documenting the problem at its lowest fidelity We get lost in discovery and are paralysed by opportunities
We consider both the business AND the user value when thinking through a problem and/or solution
We select the right research method for the problem at hand
We update our knowledge, remaining abreast of industry standards, regulations and competitors
We design and experiment with more than one solution
We drive a culture of design empowerment - 'tell me the problem, not the solution'

We Create Unity

We create consistent and unified experiences across all segments, whether online or offline.

What it is What it isn’t
We start with common and diverge with intent, both for our outcomes and our ways of working We compromise usability for the sake of consistency
We break down silos (users shouldn’t feel the pain of our org chart) We compromise individualism and the need for personalisation for the sake of consistency
We bridge the gap between the offline and online experience We remain wedded to our guidelines and ignore better ideas.
We collaboratively create and follow agreed upon playbooks, guidelines and values

We Grow Together

We are not unicorns; we recognise that no single person can do it all. Instead, we amplify individual strengths to create a stronger unit. We adopt a growth mindset, giving and receiving feedback in a way that promotes vulnerability and psychological safety.

What it is What it isn’t
We develop expertise We avoid giving feedback in fear of offending team members
We create a introspective and retrospective environment We give feedback more than we are willing to receive
We share our design work and process early and frequently We reject feedback without communicating the rationale
We explain our thought process We only focus on what needs to improve but not on what already works
We don't know it all; we learn from others experiences and knowledge We give feedback that is harmful and doesn't promote personal and professional growth
We are open to sharing our knowledge and experience with others We compromise psychological safety
We share our wins and fails

We Show Appreciation

We celebrate our achievements and successes, as well as our growth opportunities. We show recognition. We lead with empathy and positive encouragement.

What it is What it isn’t
We reward and recognise people the way they wish to be recognised We throw ‘empty' compliments around
We celebrate the wins, not just the things to be improved upon We assume that everyone is comfortable with being recognised publicly
We celebrate progress and 'moving towards the right direction'
Doing something for the first time is worth recognition