Usually digital, but more complex conversations can be better in person.
Still getting a feel for the rhythm of the workplace but generally 9–5, with lunch around 1pm or 2pm (I’m a late luncher out of habit rather than preference—trying to change this!).
Hybrid—a couple of days in the office to connect with colleagues, and a few days at home for deep concentration. I’ll often be listening to music when I’m working, but it’s fine to interrupt. I like to keep a clear division between work and home, so I generally don’t check Slack or emails outside of work hours.
An honest, respectful and down-to-earth attitude. The Clifton Strengths I admire in others are Command and Self-Assurance.
It depends on the situation—it can help to have it written so I can ensure I don’t miss anything important, but sometimes it’s beneficial to discuss in person (or on a call) if the feedback or brief is more complex.
Unclear expectations, goals and priorities. Vague or cryptic feedback.
By including important information when briefing: context, priority level, goals, timeline. Visual references can be helpful depending on the situation.
By watching, listening or reading, and then doing, with the opportunity to ask questions and also be given the time and space to research and absorb.
I’m prone to getting a bit stuck in a perfectionistic bubble so I appreciate someone reaching out to check in and give early feedback, because I’m not always proactive in asking for it.